Rabies - This vaccine is required by law. The Department of Agriculture also requires that we keep a copy on file at our facility.
Distemper - This vaccine is multi vaccine. It covers the following viral infections in dogs: Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus and ParaInfluenza. It can also include Leptospirosis. It also has many acronym variations. See our FAQ Page
Bordetella - This vaccine protects against Trachiobronchisis aka and commonly incorrectly referred to as "Kennel Cough". Although the vaccine is not 100% effective, it does help protect against many strains of the infection. It also lessons the symptoms of Trachiobronchisis should they come in contact with a strain the vaccine does not cover.
Rabies - This vaccine is required by law. The Department of Agriculture also requires that we keep a copy on file at our facility.
Feline Distemper - This vaccine is multi vaccine. It covers the following viral infections in cats: Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia. It's acronym is FVRCP on the medical paperwork.
Feline Leukemia - This vaccine protects against Feline Leukemia. It is highly contagious between cats. Every cat who boards in our facility must have a current vaccine. If your kitty is an indoor only kitty who does not get this vaccine, a current negative Feline Leukemia test is required for boarding.